• gRPC-Gateway servers on AWS Lambda using Unix domain sockets

    I’ve really enjoyed using gRPC-Gateway to build gRPC/JSON-over-HTTP (RESTful) APIs in Go for quite a few years now. However, at first glance, it appears to be incompatible with one of my favorite ways to deploy small serverless apps - using AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda.

  • Duck Typing (horror) in Go

    If you say Go supports “duck typing” online, you’ll probably get some pushback. The Go community often points out that Go doesn’t support duck typing because it’s statically typed, and duck typing is a feature of dynamically typed languages. Rather, Go has “structural typing” where interfaces are still implicitly implemented, but still checked at compile time.

  • Piano

    I started learning to play the piano on Christmas of 2022 and thus I am coming up on my one-year anniversary of starting to play. It’s been a very rewarding experience and I plan on continuing for the foreseeable future! Occasionally I upload videos of my playing to a YouTube playlist. Check it out if you are interested :).

  • Using Remote Debug with Delve with a Dockerized Alpine Linux Go Application

    I recently created a simple example on how to enable remote debugging using Delvefor a Go application running in an Alpine Linux Docker container. This may be common knowledge in the Go community, and your IDE and Delve’s own documentation will show you how to enable remote debugging for Go programs. However, I figured it would be nice to see it packaged in a concise example, specifically using an Alpine Linux base. I use a setup like this at work every day on the various applications I work on. Hopefully somebody finds this helpful :).

  • COVID-19

    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. While I’ve been self-isolating for the past ten days or so, I put together this simple, auto-updated website, with a few data visualizations: https://covid19.ccampo.me